FSMN is a member of the Friends Council on Education (FCE), the national organization of Quaker schools. FCE helps Quaker schools continue to explore and strengthen their Quaker identity through FCE’s Self-Study and Membership Renewal Process, which FSMN conducted in 2018-19. Members of Twin Cities Friends Meeting, Minneapolis Friends Meeting, Prospect Hill Friends Meeting and Cannon Valley Friends Meeting have served on the School Committee.
School Committee
2023-2024 School Committee Members
Chuck Gillen O’Neel, Clerk
Jenni Bratulich, Assistant Clerk
David Bael, Treasurer
James Farnsworth, Recording Clerk
Andrea Hasan
Andrew Rutledge
Cindy Garcia
Elizabeth Lukanen
Gerry Ronning
Graham Ojala-Barbour
Jody McCardle
Joe Mueller – Ex officio
Linda Coffin
Shalini Gupta
Suzette Huovinen
Complete School Committee job description (PDF)
Standing Committees
Standing committees of the School Committee do much of the behind-the-scenes work at FSMN. Membership on these committees includes School Committee members, parents, staff, other Quakers, and other interested individuals.
Ad-Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees are formed for a specific task or objective and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective. There are no current ad-hoc committees.