Committee on Trustees
Committee on Trustees recruits new members for School Committee and all standing committees. Committee on Trustees also provides support to the School Committee and standing committees, ensuring that FSMN’s governance structure is functioning well.
Committee on Trustees 2024-2025
- Debbie Donnelly
- Eric Salverda
- Elena Rapu
- Joe Mueller (Ex Officio)
- Kate Ellis (Clerk)
- Kristin Small
Development Committee
The Development Committee is the primary fundraising arm of the school. The Development Committee establishes and operates programs that nurture the FSMN community, providing substantial financial and non-financial support to FSMN’s operations, capital improvements and maintenance and FSMN’s endowment.
Development Committee 2024-25:
- Kevin Flynn
- Jim Crist
- Kate Vickery
- Kim Zack (Clerk)
- Nathan Young
- Pie Paulson
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) establishes the agenda for monthly School Committee meetings, ensures School Committee decisions are implemented, approves expenditures if the SC is not able to convene and act in a timely manner; and conducts the annual performance review of the head-of-school.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the School Committee Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Recording Clerk, and one at-large member.
Executive Committee 2024-2025:
- Jenni Bratulich, Clerk
- TBD, Recording Clerk
- Elizabeth Lukanen, Treasurer
- Chuck Gillen-O’Neel, At-Large Member
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for the financial oversight of the school. The Finance Committee’s primary responsibility is recommending annual operating and capital budgets to the School Committee for review and action. The school’s operating budget involves the balancing of several factors, including estimates of enrollment, tuition levels, and expenditures.
Finance Committee 2024-2025:
- Aaron Bergad
- Daniel Vickery
- David Bael
- Elizabeth Lukanen (Clerk)
- Elizabeth Super
- Eleni Andre-Wolking (Ex Officio)
- Joe Mueller (Ex Officio)
- Lauri Salverda
Quaker Life Committee
The Quaker Life Committee is focused on the manner in which the core Quaker values of FSMN are put into practice, primarily with an eye to governance, parent outreach, and staff support and development. The QLC seeks to help deepen and enrich the FSMN community’s understanding of the school’s Quaker roots and philosophies.
Quaker Life Committee 2024-2025:
- Andrew Rutledge
- Eric Salverda
- Linda Coffin
- Rachel Putnam (Clerk)
Interested in joining our board or a standing a committee? Click here for more information and a link to volunteer form.