
This calendar has information about sporting events, school events, field trips, conferences, no school days and more. If you have questions about information on the calendar, email

Final 2024-2025 Calendar 4.23.24. The last changes made to the calendar were on 4.23.24* – Fall Fest was moved from the last Saturday in September to the first Saturday in October, Saturday the 5th. The February PD day has been moved from Tuesday the 18th (Monday is Presidents Day) to the preceding Friday, the 14th to coincide with the Minnesota Association of Independent Schools (MAIS) tri-annual conference.

Notes: *In past communications we said the calendar was updated on 5.2.24. These are the SAME calendars. The 4.23.24 calendar is the most updated calendar. The calendar weeks start with MONDAY.

Both calendars remain relatively the same as past years with a few noteworthy shifts. Professional development days and breaks are always placed with great care and intention, but now coincide with national and religious holidays which land on weekdays whenever possible.


Main School Calendar

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