- Students should be dropped off no later than 8:25 AM so they can be in classrooms and ready for an 8:30 AM start.
- Unless students are in Extended Day or are participating in a before-school activity, they may not be dropped off at the school before 8:15 AM.
- Students arriving before 8:15 AM and not enrolled in the Extended Day program will be brought to Extended Day and the family will be billed at the drop-in rate.
- Students may go to their lockers/cubbies or classrooms at 8:15 AM.
- Students should enter through the front door unless enrolled in Extended Day.
- Students who bike must park and lock their bikes in the bike rack.
Drop-Off Zones
The bus lane in front of the school on Englewood and the carpool lane on the side of the school on Albert are only to be used by families whose students can leave the vehicle without adult assistance. The driver should remain in the vehicle and exit the drop-off zone as soon as their student has safely exited to make space for other drop-off zone users.
Students SHOULD NOT be dropped off in a manner that results in their needing to cross any traffic lanes unaccompanied.
If you plan to park your car and accompany your student into FSMN, you may park on any public street, but please do not park in the following locations:
- The bus zone directly in front of the school on the north side of Englewood Ave.
- The car drop-off zone on the east side of Albert between Englewood Ave. and the school parking lot
- The school parking lot
- Please avoid blocking our neighbors’ sidewalk access to the street.
Families are asked each year to complete a Dismissal Transportation Plan form for each student. It outlines how students will return home each day and helps FSMN ensure student safety.
Carpool Line
Line up along the east side of Albert Street and go north toward the school parking lot. This line wraps around the front of the school on to Englewood to avoid blocking the intersection. Please make use of the bus lane to avoid blocking the westbound lane of Englewood. A family may use the carpool lane regardless of whether or not they are participating in a carpool.
A staff person with a walkie-talkie will meet your car before you reach the parking lot entrance. Drivers tell the staff person who they are picking up.
Families not using the carpool lane as described here, should pick up using the front entrance.
Front Entrance:
Families not using the carpool lane as outlined above should pick up their student using the front entrance.
- Students in grades K-2 are picked up at their classrooms.
- Students in grades 3-8 meet their families in the front lobby.
Students Who Walk or Bike Home
Students who have permission to walk or bike home alone may leave the school at the end of the school day. FSMN does not provide crossing guards nor other support for students walking or biking.
Students who walk or bike home are to observe the following guidelines:
- They may not stay on school grounds unless they are participating in Extended Day or a planned activity.
- They may not return to the school or school grounds by themselves, including the playground, after they have left for the day.