We decided we wanted to restart our composting program, but it was going to require extra effort since it had been a few years since the program last ran. Environmental Action Club (EAC) students learned about composting in general as well as the specifics of how composting will work here at school. In addition they learned about how composting is an important way for us to deal with food waste.
Then, in small groups, they put together videos, presentations, and a poster to help educate the rest of the school about composting.
Sharing the Message About Composting
They shared their presentations with the rest of the school in early May and the school has been composting our lunch scraps since then! It might seem like it is late in the year to start the program but the timing should work really well. It will give us a chance to “test” the program over the last few weeks. We will examine how the program is working, make changes if we need to, and have everything ready to start during the first week of school next September.
We are so grateful for the work our students are doing. They make us proud!
Presentations and Posters
Here are some presentations, videos, and posters that the EAC students created to educate all of our FSMN students.
Here is a Google Slides presentation that students created: Reasons Why You Should Compost – And Why It Is Bad If You Don’t