A New Year of Light

By Joe Mueller

FSMN Head of School

This fall I received a mirrorball as a gift from a wonderful middle school student and her family. At first I had no idea what to do with it. For weeks it simply hung on an empty hook on the coat rack in the corner of my office. It was fun to look at, but I could tell it wasn’t hanging in the best place. 

In early December, I tracked down the right hardware to hang it from my office ceiling, positioning it right near one of my windows. 

As the clouds parted one day, it happened. My office was transformed into a constellation of shimmering light.

Like this mirrorball, Friends School of Minnesota has the ability to take in the light of the world and reflect it back in a way that transforms that world. The magic is in the unique positioning and perspective of each reflector of light.

It is my sincere hope that 2021 will bring the world new light. I am confident that Friends School of Minnesota is doing the right work to position itself so that our students and families can reflect this new light in their lives. That light, and the light within us all, has the power to transform our world. 

From all of us at Friends School of Minnesota, may 2021 bring you and yours new light. 

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