Plant Sale 2024

Our plant sale is the largest school plant sale in the midwest if not the country. It takes a lot of volunteers to make it happen. This webpage has some volunteer information. Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to make this year’s plant sale happen. The sale is a month away, and we still need help in key areas. Take a look at the list below and sign up if you can help. Thanks in advance. 

Food for Volunteers 
We have 100 slots open to sign up to bring food for the volunteers at the plant sale. You prepare the item (entree, veggie side, cookie/bar, etc.) and pull up to drop it off in the drop off zone at the scheduled time. This is a great way to volunteer if working in a four-hour shift is tricky for you, and a great way for grandparents and family to get involved! Sign up through this link:

We still need 17 volunteers. See this week’s newsletter for the password to sign up for cashier jobs see the jobs on Volunteer Local.

Catalog Distribution
If your family “adopted” any distribution points for the catalogs – please check back at those locations and see if you can leave more catalogs. 

If you haven’t adopted any distribution points – it’s not too late. Here is a link to the spreadsheet we use for tracking our distribution points – FSPS 2024 Catalog Distribution. Grab a bundle (or three) of catalogs the next time you are at school and bring them to your favorite coffee shop, book store, community center, or any place gardeners might frequent.  

Volunteer Student Supervisors
Help our current MS students volunteer at the sale outside of school hours.  We are looking for adults to supervise small groups of students during these times:

  • Thursday May 9 5:00 – 8:30
  • Friday May 10 4:15 – 8:30
  • Saturday May 11 9:45 – 2:15
  • Saturday May 11 2:00 – 6:30
  • Sunday May 12 9:45 – 2:30

If you are willing / interested please email Steve –

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