Our Graduates – ’21

For graduation, each 8th grader reflects on their time at Friends School of Minnesota and writes a speech. They work with their advisors to revise and practice and then they each give their speech to friends and family during graduation. It is an inspiring and magical night. Graduates will tell you that it is a nerve-racking experience that reminds them that they are ready to take the next big steps in their lives.



Our graduates leave with a foundation guided by values and an intellectual discipline that prepares them for a rich and successful academic life.

They are prepared to ask complex, thoughtful questions, to find answers, to advocate for themselves and others.

The quotes below are excerpted from each graduate’s graduation speech.

Click on a graduate for a bigger image and to launch a carousel.

Our graduates attend high schools all over the Twin Cities and colleges and universities around the United States.

Graduate Quotes – Other Graduating Years

Graduates ’22

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Friends School of Minnesota