Note: This is the same process you received via email on Friday, 5/29
The curbside pick up/drop off message is below. As we all know, things are very volatile in the Twin Cities right now. We will monitor the situation as the week progresses. We want to see you all more than anything (even though it will just be through a car window:), but we also want everyone to be safe. If we feel like this pick up/drop off date won’t work because of safety, we will change it. Please take good care of yourselves. We are holding our community in the light.
The last day of school is right around the corner and the end of this school year is a little more complicated. You have school materials that you need to return to the school and your child/children have materials that you need to pick up.
Please Note: Friday, June 5, will be a half day of school. You received details about the last day of school schedule yesterday Sunday, 5/31, via email.
Curbside Drop-off/Pick-up Dates
- Friday, 6/5 from 1-2:30pm
- Monday 6/8 from 8-9:30am
Key Things to Note (see below for the complete process under “what you need to do”)
- Stay in your car – we will take items out of your trunk and load items into your trunk
- Display last name and homeroom or advisory on windshield – Write your child/children’s last names and homeroom or advisory on a piece of paper and display in the lower right corner of the windshield (passenger side).
- Yearbooks – If you buy a yearbook online, the yearbook(s) you ordered will be with the materials you are picking up.
- We miss you – We sure have missed seeing you all over the past few months. Thank you for coming by the school to drop off and pick up items. If nothing else, it will be nice to wave to you in your car.
School Items* You May Need to Drop Off
- Chromebooks
- Textbooks
- Library books
- Supplies or furniture borrowed from the school
*Note: we know that not everyone will have every one of these items to drop off
School Items You Will Be Picking Up
Teachers will be clearing out cubbies and putting each student’s materials in a bag marked with the student’s name. If you purchased a yearbook online, you will pick it up with your other items.
What You Need To Do
Safety is our priority. We will try and make this process as easy as possible while also maintaining social distance.
1) Pack up materials and label the bag(s)
- Pack up the materials you need to return to school in a bag. Label the bag with your child’s name (possible materials = Chromebooks, textbooks, library books, supplies or furniture borrowed from the school)
- Ideally, use one bag per child.
2) Write your child/children’s last name and homeroom or advisory on a piece of paper
3) Put the labeled bags in your trunk
4) Put the paper with your child/children’s last name and homeroom or advisory on the inside of your windshield
- The paper should be displayed on the lower right corner of the windshield (passenger side).
5) Pull up on Albert coming from the south (the carpool lane)
- Note: pick up is NOT in front of the school
- Stay in your car at all times
6) Release the trunk so that it opens or we can open it. If you need to get out to release the trunk manually, let us know so we can maintain social distance.
7) We will take your labeled bags out of your trunk and put the labeled school bags in your trunk and we will close your trunk.
Safety Precautions
- Stay home if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19
- Don’t carpool with other families if at all possible
- Don’t hand items directly to staff
- Don’t exit your vehicle
- Don’t enter the building for any reason
For the most part, staff is working from home in order to social distance and care for our community. Ideally, all items will be picked up/dropped off on one of these two pick up/drop off times. If you can’t pick up during one of these times, please email the front office at and we can schedule another pick up time.
Thank YOU!!!!
It is okay to lower vehicle windows to talk to staff. We want this day to be a fun event and it will be amazing to see everyone we miss. We also want to care for our community by following these guidelines. Thank you in advance for partnering with us in this process.